Beast Philanthropy

27.8M total following

Chelsea Laufer

1.9M total following

Nick Wilkins

9.9M total following

Chelsea and Nick

2.5M total following

Ian Gunther

3.3M total following

Sarah Maddack

1.7M total following

Chris Stocks

2.5M total following

Kristina Kuzmic

1.2M total following

Jake Carlini

1.9M total following

Deshaun Malik

624K total followers

Sarah Snow

1.1M total following

Matthew Gauger

691k total following

Jondra Films

2.3M total following

Eric Jeng

1.07M total followers

Annie Long

627K total followers

Kirby Kelly

366K total followers

scroll happy™

The content you love without the harmful algorithm

our mission is simple

Bring joy, positivity, and real value back into the content you engage with every day.

We know your time is valuable, and that’s why UP is designed to be your stress-free happy place.

We have Merch! Support up's mission

Waitlist members will receive exclusive access to UP merch, creator engagements, and VIP experiences.

Merch T-shirt

UP T-Shirts

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats

Merch Hoodie

UP Hoodies

Merch T-shirt

UP T-shirt

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats

Merch coming soon!

Waitlist members will get exclusive access to UP merch, drawings for creator engagements & VIP experiences.

Merch T-shirt

UP T-Shirts

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats

Merch Hoodie

UP Hoodies

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats

Content divided into


control your feed, control how you feel.




Feel good










Toggle them throughout the day depending on how you want to feel.

Super Likes

If it makes you feel good, we'll rank it higher for others.

Videos saved to your "Happy Place"

scroll happy™

What does this mean?

Good For Your Brain

No addicting algorithms or content feeds designed to suck you in and pull you down a rabbit hole.

Better For Your Heart

Our content is uplifting, inspiring, and healthy, designed to make users feel good about themselves and their communities.

Get Your Scroll On

Scroll as much or little as you want, based on your mood and what inspires you.

The Best of the Best

Your favorite creators share their best content that users (not algorithms) will love.

For real, good for you

We are taking a scientific approach testing our feed against other social media platforms optimizing creators & content.

"Almost half of Gen-Z wish existing Social Apps never existed."

- Fortune

UP is for them.

feel good • inspired • uplifting • chill • meaningful • energized • creative • joyfull

joyful • healthy • peaceful • funny • feel good • inspired • chill • uplifted

Does your social feed bring you down?

get UP

Join the waitlist

Join the waitlist

Reserve your spot in line for social that actually makes you feel better. Scroll Happy™

Waitlist members get early access to the UP App and a chance to snag exclusive Scroll Happy™ merch before anyone else. Sign up now—your future self will thank you!

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Exciting things are coming your way—stay tuned!
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We have Merch! Support up's mission

Waitlist members will receive exclusive access to UP merch, creator engagements, and VIP experiences.

Merch T-shirt

UP T-Shirts

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats

Merch Hoodie

UP Hoodies

Merch T-shirt

UP T-shirt

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats

Merch coming soon!

Waitlist members will get exclusive access to UP merch, drawings for creator engagements & VIP experiences.

Merch T-shirt

UP T-Shirts

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats

Merch Hoodie

UP Hoodies

Merch Hat

Scroll Happy Hats